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Give us the ability to choose how to restrict late night drinking: London Councils

Local authorities should be given the freedom to choose when to restrict late night drinking rather than have the government impose one-size-fits-all regulations, London Councils has said.

The group’s comments came after the government announced that councils would be able to impose blanket bans on the sale of alcohol after 3 am in entire streets or city centres where they have been affected by anti-social behaviour.

London Councils welcomed the move, but added that it would be preferable for local authorities “to be allowed to develop local solutions to local problems”.

In its Manifesto for Londoners, the group said: “Pubs and clubs play an important part in London’s communities so it should be up to people in these communities to decide what types of establishments are sited where, and how many are concentrated together.

“Licensing laws are currently so tightly controlled by national guidance that Londoners are powerless to protect the atmosphere of their public places.”

London Councils also called for regulation on licensing public places to be re-written to define ‘classes of public places’. The effect of this would be to ensure that lap dancing clubs are not classed with pubs and cafes, as is currently the case, and allow more appropriate conditions to be imposed.

Councillor Mike Fisher, chairman of London Councils’ transport and environment committee, said: “Boroughs listen to the needs of local communities and know what works best in their particular areas. Bringing control of licensing down to a local level will strike a balance and allow people to enjoy themselves without spoiling it for others.”