GLD Vacancies

Weightmans names local government dispute resolution specialist to partner

Weightmans has promoted Navdip Wilson, a dispute resolution associate responsible for commercial insurance and local government teams, to partner in an all-women round of promotions.

The law firm’s other appointments include promoting its HR Director, Sam Airey, to fixed share membership status. This follows the promotion last year of Marketing Director Sarah-Jane Howitt.

Also making partner are Patricia Grinyer, from the firm’s corporate finance team, and Carole Spiller, an Associate in Corporate Dispute Resolution.

John Schorah, Weightmans Managing Partner, said: “The recent promotions show positively that Weightmans continues to grow and invest in its people. We recognise the diverse mix of skills that is required within our partnership to enable us to meet the market challenges we are facing, to achieve success, sustainability, and to allow us to adapt and develop and continue to help our clients achieve their business goals.”