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Night-Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester sends letter before action ahead of potential challenge to restrictions on hospitality sector

The Night-Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester, Sacha Lord, has threatened a judicial review challenge into the legality of implementing emergency restrictions on the area's hospitality sector, "without scientific evidence".

Mr Lord tweeted that a pre-action letter had been filed and the Health Secretary's response was awaited.

“The fight goes on,” he said.

Mr Lord said last week that the night-time economy in Greater Manchester was its fifth biggest industry. "It is already on its knees and further closure would undoubtedly lead to mass redundancies and bankruptcies."

He has instructed Sam Karim QC, Sarah Clover and Leo Charalambides of Kings Chambers on the legal action.

The same trio of barristers is acting for Jeremy Joseph, owner of nightclub G-A-Y, on a challenge to the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (England) Regulations 2020 as amended on 24th September to include the 10 pm curfew placed on the hospitality sector.