GLD Vacancies

Head of property practice at Landmark Chambers named joint head of chambers

David Holland QC has been appointed Joint Head of Chambers at Landmark Chambers, taking over from Paul Brown QC.

Holland, whose three-year term begins with immediate effect, said: “It’s an honour and a privilege to be elected as Joint Head of the Management Committee at Landmark. I pay tribute to my immediate predecessor, Paul Brown QC, for all the sterling work that he did during his term of office.

“I look forward to working closely with my co-chair, Reuben Taylor QC, to ensure that Landmark continues to go from strength to strength in each of its practice areas.”

Landmark’s Chief Executive Paul Newhall said: “David’s wealth of experience, including as head of Landmark’s award-winning property practice make him an ideal choice for this pivotal position. Reuben Taylor QC and I congratulate David on his appointment and look forward to working closely with him over the coming years.”