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9 Gough Chambers and 1 Chancery Lane combine to form Deka Chambers 

9 Gough Chambers and 1 Chancery Lane have completed their merger, first announced in April 2022, and will be known as Deka Chambers.

The new set comprises more than 110 barristers, including 14 King’s Counsel. Based at 5 Norwich Street, London, Jacob Levy KC and Simon Readhead KC will be Joint Heads of Chambers.

The name ‘Deka’ comes from the Greek for the number 10 (9+1) and is said to reflect "the coming together of a wealth of expertise from the two legacy sets”.

The set said: “The decision to break with convention, with most sets being named after their location, demonstrates the ambition of Deka Chambers as a forward thinking, inclusive and modern organisation, created to meet the changing needs of the legal market.”

The combined set has expertise across civil fraud; clinical negligence & healthcare; commercial, chancery & property; court of protection; credit hire; crime & fraud; family law; inquests & inquiries; personal injury; police law; professional negligence; public sector & human rights; regulatory & disciplinary; and travel & cross border claims. 

Jacob Levy KC, Joint Head of Chambers at Deka Chambers said: “9 Gough Chambers and 1 Chancery Lane have embraced a rare opportunity to create something new. By combining as one merged set, we aim to increase the choice and first-rate range of services for all our clients; to become even more efficient, more inclusive and more collaborative.

"Deka Chambers reflects our shared ambition and brings together our already formidable expertise and experience. Combined, we will continue to offer high quality advocacy and advice in the most interesting and complex cases covering all areas and at all levels.”

Simon Readhead KC, Joint Head of Chambers at Deka Chambers, said: “Deka Chambers is built on the shared aspirations and values of two chambers, both of which are already widely recognised as pre-eminent in their fields. Having completed our merger, we look forward to the new and exciting opportunities this will bring for our clients, barristers and staff.

"By bringing together our specialist expertise and experience, we aim to enhance the quality of the service that we offer to our existing clients as well as expanding and developing our large range of practice areas. We believe that Deka Chambers has an exciting future, focussed on understanding and responding to the needs of all our clients in a fast-changing market for legal services.”