GLD Vacancies

South West social landlord to procure legal services framework worth up to £3.2m

Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) has launched the procurement of the latest version of its legal services framework.

The framework is estimated to be worth between £2.4m and £3.2m. 

This compares to the current framework which was estimated in 2018 to be worth £2.2m over four years. PCH appointed six law firms to that contract.

PCH said it was “seeking bids from suitably qualified and highly experienced service providers of legal services”.

The contract, which is to be divided into six lots, is expected to start on 13 May 2023 and run until 12 May 2027.

The housing association manages 16,000 properties providing homes for affordable and social rent for more than 35,000 people, as well commercial properties including 170 shops.