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Town councils attack failure to put community infrastructure levies in place

Not enough principal councils have put the community infrastructure levy in place, a group representing larger town and parish councils has warned.

Members of the Larger Councils’ Committee of the National Association of Local Councils last week expressed concern that CIL was not meeting its policy objective.

The committee agreed to conduct research on how many areas there are with a levy in place and to raise the issue with the Government.

It also urged town councils to provide evidence to a Parliamentary inquiry that is looking at the national planning policy framework.

Cllr Ken Cleary, chairman of the committee, said: "Councils are telling us the community infrastructure levy isn't working as in many areas it's not being put in place.

“This can lead to communities missing out on crucial investment in infrastructure needs identified by the community such as improvements to parks and play areas, community facilities, road or traffic schemes and other local projects.”