GLD Vacancies

Planning specialist Wigley moves from No5 to Landmark Chambers

Planning law and non-domestic rating specialist Jenny Wigley has joined Landmark Chambers from No5 Chambers.

Wigley has appeared regularly in the High Court and Court of Appeal in judicial review and statutory review claims including, most recently, those related to adequate consultation, legitimate expectation, heritage, Habitats Regulations, EIA, SEA, air quality, interpretation of policy and adequacy of reasons.

On the non-domestic rating side, her practice includes cases in the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) and the Higher Courts, including in the recent landmark Divisional Court cases concerning empty rates relief (Makro, Kenya Aid, Digital Pipeline and Pall Mall).

Rupert Warren QC, Joint Head of Landmark Chambers, said: "We are delighted to welcome Jenny Wigley to Landmark. Jenny's strong planning, rating and public law practice complements some of Chambers' key strengths. We are sure that she will find further success in the coming years, as Landmark itself reinforces and innovates in those areas."

Wigley said: “I’m really excited to be joining a set with such a stellar reputation in both my main fields of practice. I very much look forward to making the most of all the many opportunities offered at Landmark."