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Council hits out after court rules in favour of barrister on home extension

The London Borough of Camden has deplored a judgment that a barrister resident in Hampstead need not remove an extension built onto his home without planning permission.

Local and national newspapers have reported that Philip Galway-Cooper, a property specialist at the 5SAH chambers, built the three storey extension and was issued with an enforcement notice in 2014, in which Camden required its removal.

Mr Galway-Cooper contested this at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court last winter, where he successfully argued that it was impossible to comply with the notice without causing structural damage to the entire house.

Camden challenged this at the High Court, but Mr Justice Ouseley upheld the lower court’s view that the removal could not be accomplished, and made a £20,000 costs award against the council.

Danny Beales, Camden’s cabinet member for investing in communities said: “We are very disappointed by this judgement. The extensions to this listed building were undertaken without the correct permission and consent, and we feel should be removed as instructed by planning law.

“We are currently reviewing the courts’ findings before considering how best to respond.”