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Monitoring officer report on planning meeting halted for procedural irregularities reveals councillor removed from committee until given further training

The monitoring officer for Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council was forced to bring a planning committee to a halt mid-session after councillors circulated a document that was not part of the planning papers.

Councillors were considering an application for the construction of 41 retirement living apartments at Belle Vue, Sudbury, and the conversion and restoration of Belle Vue House when it became apparent that an unidentified document was being handed amongst members.

Monitoring officer Emily Yule immediately adjourned the meeting to investigate any procedural irregularities.

Yule subsequently conducted interviews with each committee member and concluded that the document circulated was a feasibility plan showing an earlier alternative layout for the site. The layout dates from 2020 and does not form any part of the application before the committee.

In the course of Yule's investigation, one committee member revealed information that demonstrated that they "did not have the requisite skills and understanding of the planning process" and has now been removed from the committee until further training on the planning process can be provided.

There was no evidence in any of the statements provided by the committee members that there had been any attempt to influence committee members or the outcome of the planning decision, Yule's report notes.

Members also attested that they considered the plan to be immaterial to the planning application and would give no further regard to that plan.

Yule concluded that the integrity of the planning process had not been undermined and the committee members had not been influenced by the plan being shared. “Therefore, ten of the committee members who sat on 10 August 2022 are not compromised and may continue with their consideration of application DC/21/06519. The committee will be instructed to disregard the August 2020 site plan.”

Due to the planning committee not being able to reconvene in its original form, the application will be struck through, and the process will start afresh, meaning the officer will have to repeat their presentation, and speakers will be invited to repeat their submissions.

The rescheduled meeting will take place in September.

A spokesperson for Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council said: "Whilst we recognise the frustration this caused for all parties, we must - as the planning authority - ensure that any decision reached over the application for construction of 41 retirement living apartments at Belle Vue, Sudbury, and the conversion and restoration of Belle Vue House, is fair, transparent and legally sound."

Adam Carey