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Better Regulation Delivery Office takes on running of Primary Authority scheme

The Better Regulation Delivery Office has taken over the running of the Primary Authority scheme this month from the Local Better Regulation Office.

The BRDO is an independent body within the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The LBRO, which was an arm’s length body, has been axed.

Ministers said the move was “designed to strengthen enforcement by bringing local practice nearer to central regulation policy-making”, and would also deliver cost savings.

Business and Enterprise Minister Mark Prisk said: “I welcome BRDO staff and the expertise they will bring to the drive to improve regulation for frontline businesses. Working alongside the Better Regulation Executive, they will help to deliver a coherent programme of regulatory reform, and help British firms get on with running their business.”

Primary Authority allows companies to form a statutory partnership with a single local authority. Advice given by that council to the business in question can be taken into account by other authorities when they carry out inspections or deal with non-compliance.

In addition to its responsibility for the running of the scheme, the BRDO has been tasked with simplifying regulatory delivery, providing a forum for business engagement, and providing policy advice to ministers.

It is also expected to work with Local Enterprise Partnerships to improve regulation at the local level.