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What now for deprivations of liberty?

What will the effect of the postponement of the Liberty Protections Safeguards be on local authorities? Local Government Lawyer asked 50 adult social care lawyers for their views on the potential consequences.

NHS trust issues statement on role in Caesarean section case

The NHS trust that applied to the Court of Protection authorising the delivery of an Italian mother's child by Caesarean section has issued a statement on its involvement in the case.

A spokesperson for North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said: “This is a very sad case for this mother, her family and for our staff too, who have had to deal with an extremely difficult and traumatic situation.

"Essex County Council have provided the context to the events. We are commenting on the first part. We only do so because the family are reported to be making statements to the media.

"In most cases when a mother or a pregnant woman experiences severe mental and emotional difficulties, both mother and baby can be looked after together while the mother’s mental health improves.

"On this occasion the pregnancy made it very difficult to treat Ms X as medications would have affected the unborn child. The application for the C-section was made to the Court of Protection by the Obstetricians to ensure the safety and well-being of both mother and baby. Ms X was extremely unwell and remained in hospital for some time after the birth for treatment of her mental disorder.

"When someone lacks capacity to make decisions of this magnitude for themselves (the C-Section) it becomes a matter for the Courts, who supported the application.  

"We can see why this is such a troubling case but it hinges on the difficult balance of the best interests of the mother and baby.”

The trust said this was the only statement it would be making on the subject.

See also:

Court of Protection publishes judgment authorising Caesarean section

Judiciary publishes care and placement ruling in C-section case

County council explains actions amid storm over Caesarean section case