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Home Office alcohol strategy plans review of mandatory licensing conditions

A minimum unit price of 45 pence and a review of the mandatory licensing conditions form part of the Government’s alcohol strategy unveiled last week.

The Home Office said the review of the mandatory licensing conditions would “ensure that they are sufficiently targeting problems such as irresponsible promotions in pubs and clubs”.

It will also consult on:

  • a new health-related objective for alcohol licensing “for cumulative impacts so that licensing authorities can consider alcohol-related health harms when managing the problems relating to the number of premises in their area”;
  • a ban on multi-buy promotions in shops and off licences;
  • cutting red tape for responsible businesses “to reduce the burden of regulation while maintaining the integrity of the licensing system”.

Proposals put forward for cutting red tape include further simplification of the regime for temporary event notices, reduction of the burden on businesses making minimal alcohol sales, and the introduction of greater flexibility on the licensing of late night refreshment.

The Home Office is also proposing the removal of the requirement to advertise applications for, and variations to, licences in a local newspaper, as well as the removal of the prohibition on the sale of alcohol at motorway services areas.

Policing Minister Damian Green said: “These measures are not about stopping responsible drinking but designed to tackle the minority who cause alcohol-related crime and disorder in our local communities.

“The evidence is clear - the availability of cheap alcohol contributes to harmful levels of drinking. It can't be right that it is possible to purchase a can of beer for as little as 20 pence.”

The minister added: “We have already introduced early morning restriction orders to curb alcohol sales, a late night levy to ensure those selling alcohol help pay towards the costs of policing and we have made it easier for local authorities to tackle problematic licensed premises.”

The paper can be accessed here. The consultation runs until 6 February 2013.

Proposals put forward by the Scottish Government for a minimum unit price of 50 pence have been subjected to a legal challenge.