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Standards watchdog to undertake review of role of leadership in embedding Nolan Principles

The Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL) is to carry out a review to examine the role of leadership in embedding the Seven Principles of Public Life in public sector organisations.

The review will look at examples of good practice in a range of organisations, including public bodies, charities, private companies, and those private companies providing services paid for by the taxpayer, the CSPL said. “It will seek to understand the path that organisations have taken and how difficulties were overcome along the way.”

Committee chair Jonathan Evans said: “Rules and procedures are necessary to prevent corruption but they are not all that is needed to ensure high standards in public life. After all, it’s not possible to write a rulebook to cover every possible ethical dilemma a public servant may face. Living up to a shared public service ethos - as set out in the Seven Principles of Public Life - helps staff at all levels make the right judgement calls and demonstrate the highest ethical standards as they go about their work on the public’s behalf.

“I know that the great majority of public office holders are motivated to do ‘the right thing’ but the way an organisation operates can hinder or facilitate that happening.

“Leadership is one of the Seven Principles and is critical to supporting ethical behaviour in an organisation. We will be examining the role of leadership - at all levels - in embedding the Seven Principles in the approach and practices of public sector organisations.”

The CSPL chair added: “Our new review will shine a light on good practice from across the public sector and challenge leaders to review how their organisations operate and think about what they can learn from each other.

“High standards are not a tick box exercise - they require eternal vigilance and regular review. We hope this work will help organisations build, maintain and promote the high standards the public expect from those who serve them.”

The terms of reference for the review can be found here.