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Public sector concern at impact of different legislation on data sharing: report

Fears are growing in the public sector that the General Data Protection Regulation and the Digital Economy Act are pulling data sharing in different directions, research has suggested.

The GDPR is due to take effect in May 2018, and emphasises the need for people to have control over their personal data.

By contrast, the Act, which passed into legislation just before parliament was dissolved for the general election, has attracted complaints that it is too relaxed around data sharing.

The research report from Civica Digital and the UK Authority found 75% of respondents felt there was a conflict between the two data laws and fewer than one-third felt they were prepared for the Digital Economy Act.

Respondents felt that tension between the two could put a brake on growing confidence about data sharing within the public sector, though if the right balance were struck it could help public sector organisations deliver efficient services, reduce fraud and manage risk.

Three-quarters of the respondents to the question on how the anticipated laws relate to each other foresaw a conflict, which 25% feared could be serious.

Large majorities though saw benefits around giving people control of their data in the regulations, and that the new Act would do more to improve data sharing, identify citizen service needs and cut down on fraud.