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Campaigners to challenge change in classification of waste treatment plant

Campaigners are seeking to crowd fund a legal challenge over a county council’s decision to allow a private waste treatment company to change the classification of its current "benign waste treatment plant" to a hazardous waste treatment plant.

The group said Lincolnshire’s planning decision, if not overturned, would allow GMB Ltd to treat hazardous and toxic waste including asbestos, “just a few hundred metres from homes and schools at the heart of our community”.

Their criticisms included that there would be 150 additional heavy goods vehicles per day through Boundary Lane, a small country lane that was not fit for this scale of commercial traffic.

They also said the facility was being built adjacent to a local water course, the drainage could not cope with the local car washing business, “so there is a very real danger of water contamination”.

With 24 days to go, the campaigners – who are being advised by Richard Buxton Environmental & Public Law – had raised £760 via Crowd Justice towards its target of £2,500.