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HSE consults on code for local authority health and safety inspections

The Health and Safety Executive has issued a consultation on plans to ensure inspections conducted by local authorities are targeted at workplaces or activities with the most serious risks or where there is evidence of poor performance.

The National Local Authority Enforcement Code – developed in response to the Lofstedt report – is intended to “ensure greater consistency and a tighter focus in the enforcement of health and safety across Britain”, the watchdog said.

Professor Loftstedt recommended that the HSE be given a stronger role in directing local authorities’ health and safety inspection and enforcement activity.

Elaine Harbour, Head of the Local Authority Unit at HSE, said: "Local authorities have an important part to play in ensuring the effective and proportionate management of risks by businesses.

“The code sets out how their interventions should be targeted on higher risk activities, businesses and sectors. We want to hear from businesses and local authorities who will be affected by the proposals as part of the consultation process."

The consultation paper said: “Local authorities should use the full range of regulatory interventions available to influence behaviours and the management of risk with proactive inspection utilised only for premises with higher risks or where intelligence suggests that risks are not being effectively managed.”

The code provides direction to local authorities on meeting the requirements, and reporting on compliance.

The consultation, which was launched before Christmas, will run until Friday 1 March 2013. The document can be viewed here.