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Government to close "loophole" with minimum size of bedrooms in HMOs

Houses in multiple occupation will be subject to minimum room sizes under proposals put out for consultation this month, the Department for Communities and Local Government has said.

The DCLG claimed the measures would “strengthen councils to tackle problem homes head-on and bring an end to ruthless landlords who exploit tenants and charge them extortionate rents to live in poor conditions”. The consultation can be viewed here.

The Department said the proposal on room sizes would close “a loophole which lets some landlords set out rooms far too small for an adult to occupy”.

The reforms would also see:

  • Mandatory licensing rules apply to all shared homes with five or more people from two or more households, and to flats above and below shops and other business premises – “currently licensing only kicks-in for homes with three or more floors and excludes homes attached to businesses, unless they are in three storey buildings;
  • Landlords of shared homes required to provide decent storage and disposal of rubbish;
  • The fit and proper person test for landlords tightened up. The reforms will also ensure that criminal record checks are carried out to weed out rogue landlords.

Housing and Planning Minister Gavin Barwell said: “In order to build a country that truly works for everyone we must ensure that everyone has somewhere safe and secure to live.

“These measures will give councils the powers they need to tackle poor-quality rental homes in their area.

“By driving out rogue landlords that flout the rules out of business, we are raising standards and giving tenants the protection they need.”

The DCLG added that where a landlord fails to obtain a licence they would be liable to pay a potentially unlimited fine.

The Department is also seeking views on whether the current licensing arrangements for purpose built student accommodation are appropriate.