GLD Vacancies

Council prepares to retender expiring legal services framework worth £1.6m

Norfolk County Council is seeking expressions of interest for a legal services contract worth an estimated £1.6m to support the in-house insurance team deliver its claims service.

Typical duties for the successful firms, the notice states, will include providing general legal advice; representing the authority in litigation; maintaining a knowledge of issues facing the authority, and being prepared to offer legal opinions; and supporting the development and knowledge of the insurance team.

Regular management information relating to claims settlement and costs, the notice says, will also need to be provided as part of the contract. The contract will not be divided into lots.

Norfolk says it is retendering an expiring framework agreement for the services. The current framework was established in September 2017 when the council appointed four firms to the contract. The contract had an estimated worth of £1.54m with an initial term of 24 months and the option of an extension of up to 24 months.

The council plans to publish the contract notice on 7 May 2021.

Adam Carey