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Government publishes Brexit and local government response

The Government has accepted all 10 recommendations put to it about handling local government and Brexit, though with few specific commitments.

MPs on the housing, communities and local government committee made the recommendations in April. In its response, the government said it had “been able, in spirit and principle, to accept all the recommendations”.

These included the need to maintain mechanisms for engagement and information-sharing with local government during the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, including for the full period of transition and negotiations on a future relationship.

The government also agreed to ensure a comprehensive range of planning, guidance and support for local authorities. It also indicated agreement over monitoring any workforce shortages arising from the departure of EU nationals - in particular in construction and social care - and that new burdens on councils arising from Brexit should be fully funded.

The committee called for the establishment of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund of at least equivalent levels to EU funding provided to local government, which the government said it would address in the expected spending review later this year. Ministers also said they would announce plans for further devolution in England and for any changes to repatriated legislation during the sending review.